

Last Update: 06/Oct/2020

CURRENTLY OPEN As of 06/Sep/20 in the aftermath of the Bobcat Fire, Highway 39 is open once again all the way to the Recreation area, and the Cafe is open once again at its normal operation hours. The fire burned some of the West side around the lake itself however the camp spaces themselves were saved. Wawona Trail a.k.a. Islip Trail was burned about 30% of its length, from the lower lake parking lot up toward the North to the edge of the burn footprint. Little Jimmy Trail Camp burned, Little Jimmy Spring was saved, Windy Gap Saddle was saved, though about 9 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail overlooking the Recreation Area burned. The extent of the burn removed much of the chaparral and damaged pine and oak trees however tree death around the Recreation Area has been fairly minimal.

Site map is at: Crystal Lake site map

This web site is not operated or maintained by the US Forest Service, and the USFS does not have any responsibility for the contents of any page provided on the http://CrystalLake.Name/ web site. Also this web site is not connected in any way with any of the volunteer organizations that are mentioned in various web pages, including the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders (SGMTBs) or the Angeles Volunteers Association (AVA.) This web site is privately owned and operated. Please note that information on this web page may be inaccurate.

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